Category «Financial Planning»

Statute of Limitations for Private Student Loans

Private student loans are the worst debt in America, bar none.  Lenders have flocked to making private student loans, knowing there are few legal protections available to borrowers.  I can get rid of IRS debt in a bankruptcy easier than I can student loan debt.  One of my clients was told his payment would be …

Trap for the Unwary-Student Loans Under Seal

Unlike federal student loans, private student loans have a statute of limitation.  Some student lenders attempt to extend the statute of limitation to as long as 20 years by inserting language in student loan contract claiming it is one being executed under seal.  A contract under seal is an arcane concept derived from colonial times …

Bankruptcy Means You Don’t Have to Take it Any More

When a consumer files bankruptcy, the bankruptcy court warns creditors they may face a lawsuit awarding damages and attorney’s fees unless all debt collection stops. The technical term for failing to do so is violating the “automatic stay.’ As it sounds, this protection takes effect automatically. It is intended to provide some ‘breathing space’ from …